Thursday, January 6, 2011

Birmingham Christmas

Well, I know it is this post is a little late.  This is a look at our holiday season in Birmingham.  Mostly pics since I'm getting ready to leave for Utah right now.  We're packed and waiting on our ride to the airport. 

Our first Christmas tree!


 I started playing around with my camera.  I thought these pictures were so cool!

Me & Misha by the tree.  :-)


..and another!

...and one more!

More Christmas decorations

Wreath I made.  :-)

Up close

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care."

Our house was so cozy for Christmas!  I love sitting by the fire!

Christmas tree skirts are so expensive - even on sale.  I really didn't even like any of the ones I found so I just bought some fabric to use.  Total $8 and I really like the fabric.  It matched perfectly.

Top of the tree.  Love the gold poinsettias!

Bugira does too.  ;-)

 The kitty LOVED playing under the tree, hiding under the tree, and knocking ornaments off the least she didn't try to CLIMB the tree!


We also had lots of Christmas parties.  This was one of my work parties.  (one of three that I planned to be exact - needless to say, we were busy in December).  
It was a volunteer Christmas Ornament Exchange.  


Some pics from Sav-A-Life Holiday Open House

Misha and I at the Southern Nuclear Christmas Party at the B&A Warehouse in Downtown Birmingham.  SOOOOO fun!

They had an awesome band, yummy hors d'oeuvres and hot bar stations, dancing, and beautiful decorations. 

Misha hitting up the carving station.

I didn't know which one I liked better so I just put both! :-)

A group of Misha's co-workers.  Can you tell the younger crowd sort of magnetizes towards each other?  Most people who work at Southern are way older and have been there for 25 years.

One more.  :-)

This was so cool!  As we were driving into Downtown Birmingham we saw the Regions building all lit up with lights.  Can you see the Christmas tree they created?  There are Christmas trees on two sides of the building and two wreaths on the other two sides.  I thought it was so neat!  Very festive and kudos to you, Regions Bank, for being in the Christmas spirit!

The above picture wasn't the best (the antenna is right smack in the middle of the pic) so this one's better:

That was our Birmingham Christmas!  We left for GA & FL on December 17th and that post will come after we get back from snowboarding in Utah!

Totally ready for snowboarding.  :-)

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